Pipedrive migration

Tambahkan fungsi dan fitur baru pada akun Bitrix24 Anda. Instal aplikasi yang telah siap dari Lokapasar.

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Now you can migrate your CRM data from Pipedrive to Bitrix24.

You can transfer the following entities to Bitrix24:

  1. Users
  2. Organizations
  3. Persons
  4. Currencies
  5. Deals
  6. Leads
  7. Activities
  8. Notes
  9. Pipelines
  10. Products
  11. Stages

Set up the preferences and start import. All your Pipedrive entity fields will be saved in Bitrix24. The import progress can be seen on the import page. You will receive the information about the current import status via Bitrix24 notifications and email after the import of each entity is completed. The import progress will be run in the background and may take a significant amount of time.

Note: the app does not filter duplicated and is designed to migrate data to a new Bitrix24 instance. If you need to start a new import from the same Pipedrive account, make sure to purge imported CRM data beforehand.

Learn more

Versi 3
Now Leads can be imported.

Versi 2
Increased data migration speed. Added error logging ability to export these logs to CSV file. Implemented migration pausing when Bitrix24 or Pipedrive authorization is lost (need to access the app to resume the process).

Versi 1
Today you can migrate your CRM data from Pipedrive to Bitrix24.

If you are facing an issue or would like to receive some more information about the app, kindly contact Bitrix24 support. Our dedicated Integrations support team will be delighted to assist you and provide guidance on any inquiries you may have regarding the app.

Complete standard installation from Bitrix24.Market and proceed with the following steps:

  1. Make sure API is enabled in your Pipedrive account.
  2. Enter API token. You can get the API token manually from the Pipedrive web app by going to account name (on the top right) > Company settings > Personal preferences > API or clicking here
  3. Start import. Data import will begin if all parameters are entered correctly.